Choose "Yes" in the search criteria to show training providers who Actively offer IASSC Certification Exams
- Not all IASSC Accredited Training Organizations offer training programs that include an Official IASSC Certification Exam which is the only way to achieve IASSC Certification.
- If you are attempting to achieve an IASSC Lean Six Sigma Certification you will likely want to choose a training provider who is authorized to administer or provide access to official IASSC Certification Exams and does so “Actively”.
- If you choose a provider who does not offer IASSC Certification Exams you can still arrange for IASSC Certification directly through our On-Demand Web-Based Certification Testing or at a PearsonVue Testing Center.
- We strongly recommend that you review Important information about IASSC Accreditation, Accredited Entities and Certification prior to choosing an IASSC Accredited Provider for your training needs.